Friday, May 6, 2011

God & Gwenyth

i was going to tumblr this... but it's not really something to tumblr about. and i'm too tired to write it. so here i am, back to blogspot; which i should really revisit more often. anyway...

so, God is my bro. and sometimes God speaks to me through more conventional means, like social networking. not often, but i guess at this point he knows it's the only way to get my attention. he tries to make more subtle passes, probably, but i'm not observant enough to pick up on that kinda stuff. you literally have to beat me over the head with new information for me to not be completely oblivious to it. what can i say, he knows me so well.

so yeah, tonight he literally threw a bible verse in my face via my twitter newsfeed. some girl tweeted something about it being 4:16 and for some reason "bible verse. john." slammed into the forefront of my thoughts. thinking it was just 4am delirium, and not having any support for the john part i thought back, "...john? really? show me something else" ...instantly i looked back at my twitter feed right at some kid's twitter name.... John[insert last name and random number sequence here #irrelevant]. keep in mind that this whole thought process/transaction took place in all of about 2 seconds in my mind. alright, God. i hear you. John 4:16... "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them."

now, gwenyth paltrow isn't necessarily someone i place amongst the ranks of God. i actually don't even care for her too much. BUT, i immediately paralleled the verse from the gospel of John with none other than a quote from country strong,“Don’t be afraid to fall in love. It’s the only thing that matters in life. The only thing. Do you understand what I’m telling you? … You just fall in love with as many things as possible.”

clearly, God wants to emphasize to me how important love is. i need to start showing more compassion towards others. and myself. and all the things i do. its like gwenyth said, you just fall in love with as many things as possible. so yeah. there's my epiphany of the night.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

blogspot > tumblr.


....for blogging, at least. although I'm sure that's usually the case.

I'll probs start using this again.