Tuesday, September 7, 2010

questions. comments. complaints.

so, I like to complain. and what better place to do it than in my unknown blog that no one reads/even knows exists?

Why does this room always smell so bad???
like.... seriously. ever since day one North 214 has had a weird smell to it. first it was the foam thing under my mattress. once i discovered the source of that smell, i got rid of it. but different, worse smells took its place. things not even brazilian carnival can mask. like, for instance, our trash can. the roommate and i probably should not keep things in there for long periods of time (i.e. ravioli, clam chowder, taquitos, etc.) now i'm not gonna point any fingers... but all i'm saying is that IIIIIIII usually finish all my food, therefore have no nasty leftovers sitting around rotting in our trashcan. then, of course, there was the period of time our room smelled like vom for a view days after my co-inhabitant and myself had a rough night.
so today when i came home from class and, once again, our room smelled like something died in it, i began my cleaning spree. took out the trash, stripped my bed, began laundry... which brings me to my next complaint.

anyone who has ever met me before in their life probably knows about my extreme dislike for doing laundry. for as long as i can remember, doing laundry has been my least favorite chore. i will go weeks, even months (gross, i know) without washing my clothes just to avoid this troublesome task. my friends are all fully aware of my notorious constant Floordrobe. The Floordrobe is just what it sounds like, my entire wardrobe on the floor. At home, I never hung, put away, or folded a single item of clothing. I kept everything strewn across the floor. From an outsider's perspective, it just looked like a huge mess. But I knew where every item of clothing was inside that pile. Since being in college, I have somehow managed to do away with the floordrobe. This is mainly due to the fact that I am living amongst another person in tight quarters. But still, my hate for laundry has not left me. So today, I dragged a load of laundry into the laundry room down the hall. 2/3 of the washing machines are out of order. Awesome. Six hours later, I am finally done with my laundry. SIX. HOURS. All just have clothes that smell nice.

there are a TON more things I could complain on and on about, but I'm just no longer in the mood (I loose interest easily). Plus, I am finishing this note 6 hours after I began it (laundry, class... ugh) soooo I'm just not in the zone anymore.


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