Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Things I Hate.

....cus i'm in a cynical mood

  • the unknown/not knowing things
  • being hungry
  • cleaning
  • stupid people
  • people who lack a sense of humor
  • most people in general
  • rudeness
  • bigotry
  • ignorance
  • putting forth effort
  • people who try too hard/overachievers
  • birds
  • needles
  • not having a car
  • running/working out/physical activity
  • people who think they're fat when they're really not
  • people who think they're skinny when they're really not
  • the cold
  • seeing people upset/not knowing how to comfort them
  • when guys get angry
  • when people don't like me
  • getting in fights/arguments/disagreements
  • when people try to tell you you're wrong when you KNOW you're right
  • working in groups in class and no one wants to do things your way even though you know its the best
  • watching people you love make bad decisions and not being able to stop them

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